Monday, April 30, 2012

How I Spent Last Night

For some reason, I have noticed I am kinda loving the bunting trend...  I don't know why, they just seem so cheerful!  I saw this nifty little tutorial  HERE, and decided to give it a go.

And here we are:

Bright bunting necklace
I am liking it!  I did give mine some very sloppy stitches to keep it together, instead of just fabric glue as the tutorial suggested.  For my purposes, I don't mind that they are kind of wonky stitches on seems to go with the funky fabrics...

On a body...
Next time...oh yes, there will be a next time...I think I will take a little more time (and use sharper scissors) to cut the fabric.  I am not even kindergarten level at scissor you can see by my wonky edges...I bet I could use pinking shears to hide, and that would make the necklace be even sweeter!

I did wear this today, and I noticed a couple things that kind of annoyed me but I think I can fix (possibly two birds, one stone even).

First, the buntings kind of smash together.  I think that if I just add a little bead or something in between it will be much better.  I imagine you could also glue the pieces in place on the necklace, but I am a weirdo and wanted to be able to remove the pieces.

Second, I noticed that my fabric was fraying a little.  I think a little fray-check glue stuff will be in line...or if I used the pinking shears mentioned above, that might be just enough to stop it.

The other thing...probably also fixable by gluing (my brain is not working tonight...I keep looking at gluing and thinking "That is not spelled right...should be glueing.  or glue-ing...anything but gluing...) the fabric to the chain (or if I wasn't such a cheapskate and stopped refusing to just buy another chain...) is that the buntings flip upwards occasionally.  I actually think this could also be fixed by adding a bead as a spacer between the fabric pieces.  I will have to do a little experimenting.  If that doesn't fix it, I think that I could sew a little charm on the bottom of each bunting (is that what the individual flaggy things are called? Maybe pennant is a better word...) and that would work too.  And be extra cute...I may have to try that too...

More experimentation soon...but off to bed for now.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Concerning Sullivan Grey

Lately, I have been thinking about a lot of things.  Mostly sad things.  I have been trying for a long time to be some things I don't want to be.  Have you ever done that?  Pretend to be something for the sake of others?  I think at some point, most people do.  Sometimes, its a good thing I suppose, to do things to make someone else happy.  The problem is when that becomes the only thing you do.  Because then you forget about yourself. 

I feel like I have forgotten about myself for far too long.  I have been appeasing people to the extreme for most all of my life.  And I think it's time for that to change.

I don't want to be mean.  I don't want to be drastic.  I just want to be able to decide for myself what I want to do.  And to do that, I need something to be accountable to.  I want to wake up and live my life for me, because in the end, I am the one who has to deal with the consequences.  I don't want to wake up and find my life gone and have nothing I can be proud of to show for it.

Maybe it is the impending 30th birthday, and this is some kind of early mid-life crisis.  If I were a dude, I could just go buy a car I can't afford...  Maybe it is some of the recent stressful things in my life.  I guess I thought if I did everything right, then nothing would go wrong.  But there are some major things that went wrong in the past year or so.  Maybe this is what I need to stop doing everything how I should do it and start doing things how I choose to do them.

This is all very heavy sounding to me, and this is not how I plan to post.  I want to post about crafty stuff, and diy stuff and interesting finds and happy stuff...  But I needed to state my intentions, so that I can remind myself of them.  So that I can be accountable to them.  So that I can make changes that need to be made, even if they are hard for me...or scary for me.

Hopefully, somebody out there will understand this, but if not, that's ok.  This is for me. 
